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Who is EJ LaVey?

"The Man Who Predicted The Boston Marathon Attacks on LIVE Radio!"
and "Celebrity Psychic"

"EJ LaVey" is Eric Fraize; Christian Mystic from Radio and Television.  That would be me, who is writing this to you.


I began Reading Tarot when I was 15 years old!  I was then fascinated with a "Psychic Fair" I saw at a local mall I worked at in the 1980's.  Not long after, at 17 years old, I spoke with my first "deceased" person in Spirit while holding a man's ring that was given him by the Spirit present.  The Spirit of the deceased man had committed suicide and desperately wanted to speak to the man in front of me, his partner in life.  The man broke down in tears as I informed him that what happened was not his fault, thus freeing the man to live joyfully in this life and freeing the Spirit to be at peace.  I then knew the seriousness of the Gift I was given.


As time went on, my skills improved, landing me on WJMN 94.5 FM Boston and Mix 93.1 FM Springfield.  I began doing Annual Prophecies on both stations in 2011.  I, along with hundreds of thousands of Bostonians, kept careful track of my accuracy over the years.  Turns out that my worst year was 74.4% accurate and my best year was 96.6% accurate.  That means that even on a bad day, over 7 out of 10 things I tell you will come to pass, usually more than 9 out of 10!


Eventually, I made a few appearances on The Glenn Beck Program and have since become well known in the Paranormal Community.  For 20 years I Read out of Salem, Massachusetts, "The Witch City", home of the Salem Witch Trials of 1692.  I also studied Diabolic Possession and Exorcism in the Roman Catholic Church and am a legally ordained minister holding the title of Reverend along with an honorary Doctor of Divinity degree.  I currently reside in Los Angeles, CA.


My Karmic and Bloodline ties extend back to Saint Bruno of Cologne, Giordano Bruno of Nola, Italy, William Tyndale of England, Captain John Turner of Salem, MA, and yes, The Witches of Salem.


Further, I am a genetic descendant of the Druids, following that bloodline through to Mesopotamia. My ancestors migrated from Persia, to The Balkans, to Sicily, eventually to The Celtic lands of Great Britain and Ireland.


As "Psychic to the Stars", I have performed Readings on such celebrities as Elton John, Stanton Zaharoff LaVey, Glenn Beck, Ramiro Torres, "Pebbles", Bobby Brown, Manny Ramirez, DJ Scribbles, and others who, for confidentiality reasons, cannot be named.


Your trust in me to Read you and discern your spiritual path this life is well placed and an honor for me to have.




Reverend Eric John Fraize; D.D., D.M.


"EJ LaVey"

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